I was diagnosed with depression in 2004. After years of wondering why my mood tended toward darkness, it was a relief to have a reason why. The diagnosis filled me with shame nonetheless. I struggled for years with taking my medication properly, with internalizing certain negative attitudes, with feeling like I should be able fix it all myself.
Spoiler: I couldn’t.
These days, with medication and therapy, I’m doing better. But even now, depression can sneak up on me and yank me back down into a hole I’d been climbing out of for months, or even years.
Sometimes it comes out of nowhere, taking over and making me so tired it’s easier to give in than to fight it.
It lies and makes me think no one cares. It tells me that I’m powerless. But the worst thing depression does is tell me that I’m unlovable.
I wanted to write a book where my depressed character, Ashton, is loved—deeply. I wanted to write a book to show my characters taking control. In WHEN THE STARS LEAD TO YOU, maybe they don’t always get it right, but they try.
It’s okay to keep trying. It’s okay to keep learning. It’s okay to get help.
We don’t have to do this alone. There are resources out there. And it’s always okay to turn to them.
Suicide Prevention
• National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: suicidepreventionlifeline.org
– In a crisis, call their free and 24/7 U.S. hotline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
– Contact their Crisis Text Line: text TALK to 741-741
• National Hopeline Network: hopeline.com |1-800-442-HOPE (4673)
• American Association of Suicidology: suicidology.org
• American Foundation For Suicide Prevention: afsp.org
• Suicide Prevention Resource Center: sprc.org
• IMAlive: imalive.org
• The Trevor Project: thetrevorproject.org
For Suicide Loss Survivors
Alliance of Hope for Suicide Survivors: allianceofhope.org
American Association of Suicidology survivors page:
Friends for Survival: friendsforsurvival.org
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline survivors page:
Suicide Awareness Voices of Education: save.org
Understanding Mental Illness
Mental Health America: mhanational.org
National Alliance on Mental Illness: nami.org
National Institute of Mental Health: nimh.nih.gov
Befrienders Worldwide: befrienders.org