cover reveal!

When my editor asked for my input on my cover, I was amazed, and very grateful. I was very honest about what I liked and didn’t like, and gave them ideas of my dream cover. Then I threw myself into life, edits, travel, etc. etc. I thought about my cover, but I didn’t obsess over it. Much.

Then in October, my editor showed me the concept, which made me cry at my desk at work. About 5 weeks later, I saw an almost-finished version. Then she showed me the full ARC wrap. Y’all. It’s EVERYTHING I dreamed of…but better. The designer, Marcie Lawrence, really gets me. We’ve never met, but you’d never guess. And the lettering designer, Jess Cruikshank, knew exactly what I wanted as far as the text and lettering. Both of these brilliant artists gave me exactly what I dreamed of. Beyond, even.

The cover captures the essence of the book, but also captures me.

The NOVL reached out to me to host my cover reveal… and you can find the post here! Please give them some love. They are amazing!

Anyway, here it is! I think it’s stunning. I hope you love it as much as I do!

Feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you think! 🤪