debut year.

It’s here. It’s finally here. Yes, my book won’t be out for another 11 months, but the fact is that I have a debut year. And that year is 2019. Which is now.

Holy bananas.

Full disclosure. I started this post on December 21, 2018. I wanted to publish it January 1. But then life. And being sick. And day job and freelance and did I mention I’ve been sick since December 15?

It’s OK though. I’m posting now! 🙂

I’ve seen the entire ARC cover for my book. I am obsessed with it. It’s so beautiful!! The designer, Marcie Lawrence, did such a good job. I was very lucky in that they asked me for ideas and input, and me, being the nerd I am, gave them a freaking essay. Marcie took all of my notes into account, somehow managed to capture my personality, and the result is stunning and I am so excited to share it with you very, very soon!

I love Little Brown so much. 😍

The next cool thing is that I’ve started an author newsletter! You can sign up here. The first issue went out Tuesday, January 15, but if you missed it, you can see it here.

This author thing is such a weird place to navigate. Sometimes, in the day-to-day hustle and bustle of life, I forget that it’s a Thing. I have a busy day job and long commutes and sometimes I have freelance stuff in the evening and my apartment is a mess and I’m tired all the time. So sometimes, it randomly hits me: Whoa. I’m going to be a PUBLISHED AUTHOR. And I think about that for a few minutes, but then I go right back to scooping the litter box or whatever.

I want to be present for every moment of this. I tend to kind of blow through life. Thinking ahead to the next moment, or thinking of somewhere else I’d rather be. It’s only recently I’ve been making myself sit with moments. Like signing my contract. Seeing my cover for the first time. And soon, holding an ARC in my hands.

I’ve been chasing this dream for over a decade now, and I’ll never be a debut author again. I’m trying so hard to embrace it all. Even the hard stuff.

I am so grateful to be in this position. And I can’t wait for you to meet Devon later this year!